Prime Minister Sidney Holland officially announces the raising of an NZSAS unit to assist with operations in Malaya alongside 22 SAS Regiment. In late May and early June 1955 recruits begin to arrive in Waiouru to begin selection and training for the new unit.
Noel O’Dwyer elected first president in 1961 and remained president until 1975, with a hibernation of the Association between 1963 and 1974.
Noel O’Dwyer (supported by Jim McCulloch, Gerry Grieve and Colonel Frank Rennie) organised a successful
reunion of SAS Originals. Held in June in Palmerston North, it coincided with the 21st anniversary of the
forming of 1 NZSAS Squadron. Since then, the Originals have held regular reunions.
First Auckland meeting since the hibernation of the Association for more than 10 years. The meeting was a
successful restart of the Auckland operations of the Association. A draft constitution was tabled.
The first issue of The Free Glance was published. The Association established a calendar of regular meetings and membership began to grow.
On 12 October 2004 the Pilgrim’s Trust was established to provide social, health and educational support at home
to past and present members of the New Zealand Special Air Services (NZSAS) and their immediate
George Wheeler became the NZSAS Association President and assisted the Pilgrim's Trust in establishing
itself as a place that serving members could go to receive support for themselves and their families.
Personnel with specific expertise across differing fields began fundraising to support the Trust's ambitions
and objectives.
The Trust secured financial donors that supports its members and their immediate families. The 'Pilgrim's Trust' is rebranded as:
Who Dares Wins | Soldier Charities NZ | NZSAS Trust.
The relationship between the NZSAS Trust and the NZSAS Association is to provide continuous support to its
current and ex NZSAS members and their families.
The NZSAS Association acknowledges and values the Trust’s important work and aims to collaborate on
common shared outcomes that improve quality of life for its members.
The Trust continues to be a living part of the wider NZSAS whānau.