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Welcome to the NZSAS Community

Objectives of the NZSAS Association
Membership - To encourage membership of the Association for all eligible personnel.
Communication - To foster camaraderie consistent with the NZSAS Regiment esprit de corps.
Support - To support the mental and physical health and wellbeing of members.
Advice - To act as a conduit (refer members to relevant and appropriate supporting agencies).

Some of our history

The NZSAS traces its roots back to the famous Long Range Desert Group. A British/Commonwealth army unit which fought in the North African desert in World War II. New Zealanders also served in the original Special Air Service force during World War II. In February 1955, it was decided by the New Zealand Government that a squadron based on the British Special Air Service should be formed as part of the New Zealand Army, as an effective and economic contribution to the Far East Strategic Reserve and the British counter-insurgency effort in Malaya.

Major Frank Rennie was appointed to form and command the unit, with the decision having been made to recruit mainly from the general public around a cadre of Regular Force personnel. Over 800 applied, from which 182 including 138 civilians (though 101 had previous military experience) were selected for training beginning in June 1955. In late 1957, soon after the squadrons return to New Zealand from Malaya the unit was disbanded, having been operationally replaced by an infantry battalion. The NZSAS was re-established in October 1959, with the unit celebrating its 50th Jubilee from 3–12 June 2005.

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